Energy Efficiency Building Materials

If you are looking for ways to increase your energy efficiency, why not check out the Energy Efficiency tab under This web site is devoted to energy efficiency in all its forms. This particular page of the Energy Map site talks all about energy efficiency and provides ways to provide more energy efficient buildings. There are list of things such as low energy materials, circulator pumps, building materials, metering and power control, low energy water supply and other energy efficiency technologies. By clicking the links you will be directed to case studies, solutions and projects that will also allow for more efficient energy technology.

One of these afore mentioned items are low energy buildings. By clicking on this particular link it leads to a page that discusses low energy buildings and features the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. It also features Seven Aarhus Statements on these buildings which is the featured solution for low energy building. If you click on the low energy water supply, you will find out that there are many different solutions for a low energy water supply and this area has a lot of research and development into this particular problem.

The profiles that are on this page and features are the Danish Energy Agency and the featured solutions for this problem fall under Dong Energy. Now for renewable energy and other energy sources, there is one featured profile of the Sauer Roldskov Law Firm. This firm provides specialized legal services that serve clients that operate under the sections of renewable energy and cleantec for two examples. The featured solution is HVAC and Food and Beverage. They offer solutions for HVAC applications and this is a full year experience for advanced drive technology for the HVAC applications.

Another solution that is found on this site deals with energy efficiency building materials. There are several technologies for dealing with building materials. As you well may know, Denmark leads the world in energy efficient building and using existing technology to allow for a great deal of energy savings by renovating a building with Co2 neutral materials. The featured profile is owned Climate Consortium Denmark.