Landscaping refers to any activity that involves the actual manipulation of an area of land to improve its appearance. It is very beneficial to the home because it provides a pleasing and comfortable ambience and can add to its resale value. According to experts, landscaping can add as much as 14 percent to the resale value of a property and speed its sale by as much as 6 weeks. This is equivalent to earning back 150 percent or more of your landscape investment.
Surprisingly, landscaping has another benefit. Landscaping can help in the conservation of energy. Carefully positioned trees reduce household energy consumption for heating and cooling by up to 25 percent. Homeowners can actually save an average amount between $100 and $250 annually. Here are some ways you could use landscaping to reduce energy consumption.
Plant Trees
Trees can help save energy all year-round. The shade given by trees is sometimes compared to the cooling power of air-conditioners. Place large trees with round, horizontal, and vase-shaped crowns on the south and west sides of your home. Doing so will provide cooling shade in the summer and will not obstruct the low winter sun.
Lawn as Air Conditioner
Make sure your MN landscaping plan includes a good area for your lawn. According to a Mississippi State University study, a healthy front lawn has the same cooling effect as an 8-1/2 ton air conditioning compressor. The plants transpire or evaporate water through the leaves surface to cool themselves and the surrounding area.
Energy-Efficient Pavers
If you’re planning to install pavers Minneapolis residents like for their homes, there are paving stones made of recycled glass called Bottlestone. Bottlestone only takes almost half the energy required to make conventional clay or cement pavers. This material is suitable for a variety of commercial and residential surface applications.
Include a windbreak in your MN landscaping design. A windbreak is made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs to provide shelter from the wind and to protect the soil from erosion. A windbreak will also help in stabilizing the temperature in your yard by keeping warm air away from your house, thereby lowering energy consumption