Even though people generally get their rugs and carpets annually cleaned, the mattresses they sleep on are commonly overlooked and neglected, being left uncleaned for years after they were originally purchased. This can lead to severe staining from bodily oils, sweats and other fluids, which can be difficult to remove if they have had years to soak into the mattress fibers. An annual visit from professional mattress cleaners is recommended to increase the lifespan of your mattress, give you a great night’s sleep, and remove any unsightly stains caused by bodily oils and sweats. Other difficult stains which can occur from accidents such as urine, faeces, vomit and wine can also be removed from most mattresses provided they are attended to as soon as possible – in such cases time is of the essence and consumers should contact a professional mattress cleaning service to attend immediately.
Speaking of mattress cleaning outcomes, the composition of fibers used in mattress construction can significantly effect the outcome of a cleaning process. Regardless of steam cleaning, dry cleaning or even the latest developments in low moisture methods, mattresses with significant amounts of viscose or cotton in them will resist even the most aggressive cleaning attempts due to those fibers property of absorbing everything in them and not releasing any soils. For such mattresses protectors or covers are essential to preventing permanent stains which will be impossible to otherwise remove. If thinking about purchasing a new mattress, enquiring about its fiber content is an easy way to avoid making the wrong purchasing decision. Consumers should not look at simply the price alone as even expensive mattresses can contain the fibers in them which will inhibit or entirely prevent successful cleaning outcomes in the future.
Apart from removing stains, the most important reason to have your mattress professionally cleaned is to improve the quality of sleep, and hence the quality of your life. As we spend on average 8 hours a day in our beds over each night, restless sleep combined with the breathing in of dust mites, bacteria and germs can lead to a lowered immune system and more frequent bouts of illness. Soiled mattresses and sheets can also draw nasty critters such as bed bugs which will gladly take up residence in your bedroom. Once they’ve infested your home the only solution is a complete pest control treatment, but this can easily be prevented from happening through weekly cleaning of bedding and annual professional mattress cleaning, not to mention the cost in dollars and time is significantly cheaper and more convenient when compared to pest control.