Very often people are caught off guard when there is no gas left in the cylinder. This can be quite tough, particularly when you are short on cash. However, with LPG gas regulators you can be better prepared since it will tell you when you are about to run out of gas. This will enable you to know how much gas is left in the cylinder so that you are in a position to replace the cylinder when the need arises. LPG stands for liquefied gas and is essentially a blend of butane and propane, a highly combustible combination. This gas is normally stored in steel cylinders because it evaporates when exposed to room temperature.
Things to Consider
There are quite a few things that you should consider when using a gas cylinder regulator. This is because LPG comprises of butane and propane, both of which are highly inflammable and also quite hazardous. Hence it is very important that you know how to use these regulators so that unnecessary risks can be avoided. When dealing with gas bottle regulators, check the rubber tubing carefully for any signs of cracks or holes so that you can replace it as and when required. Always clean the regulator with a wet cloth and make sure that it is kept far from inflammable things.
Check the regulators for pressure from time to time. In case you smell gas be cautious and avoid lighting a matchstick to determine whether there is a leakage or not. Instead, make sure that all doors and windows are open to allow fresh air to come in. Likewise, avoid operating any electrical appliances or switches in case of a gas leak as it spark a fire quite easily. After taking the necessary precautions, call your gas company so that an experienced person can take care of the leak.
Replacement of Cylinder
When you are replacing your old cylinder and connecting to a new one, press the LPG gas regulator down till you hear a click sound. This indicates that your cylinder is ready for use. Likewise, when disconnecting gas bottle regulators, make sure that the cylinder is completely empty of gas and then switch off the regulator knob. When using LPG gas regulators, one cannot help emphasizing the importance of safety. Make sure that your cylinder is far away from electrical appliances. At the same time refrain from making any repairs yourself. Finally, make sure that you buy gas cylinder regulators from authorized dealers only so that you are sure of its quality and authenticity.