Ceramic tile industry to new international standards are approved – ceramics, tiles, building ceram

More: Decoration Gallery Appreciate Fast food – Men and women sleeping on the bed (Figure) Enjoy – Bathtub men and women (Figure) New year Ceramics Brick industry to international standards was recognized. ISO standard space, Building And chemical properties of the ceramic tiles grade program. In the U.S., the standard by the American National Standards Organization (ANSI) established. In Europe, the general use of CEN (Comite EuropeenNormalisation) standard. International Standards Organization (ISO) standards for its members now have been recognized as the world unified. Basically, the ceramic tile industry generally use the EN (European Standard), the standard was promulgated in 1984 after some amendments and additions.

ISO13006 ISO standard includes the definition of Classification Tile properties (ISO13006), and Test Method (ISO10545). Tile manufacturing methods and the absorption by the degree of classification, there are two manufacturing methods: pressure and squeeze dry.

pressure dry-pressed tile is gray or raw materials in the kiln dust before use Mold Compressed into a certain shape. Italy, about 95% of the production of dry-pressed tiles.

compression is not forming the raw material into the mold in the kiln before it by force Cutting Extrusion. Squeeze more precision ceramic tile and natural, in view of its technical characteristics and the quality of the space and surface. Single-layer extrusion-type tile floor in a long board and then be cut in production-type; double compression type will have to install ceramic tile Make The former is divided into two layers.

Tile dry-pressed and squeezed by water absorption level is divided into nine categories. Tile water absorption is the amount of water in the dry weight ratio of ceramic tile. Porous high water absorption line composition, and close, Glass The composition is like a lower water absorption. (Water absorption in accordance with ISO10545-3 standard)

Classification standard ceramic tiles ISO13006 Methods Group 1 E 3% No. 2a, 3%

Extruded brick (A) A1 A2a-1 A2b-1 A3 A2a-2 A2b-2 Gray pressed brick (B) B1aE 0.5% B1b0.5% China womens digital watches , China digital display watches, digital diving watches,and more.