With soaring energy costs, and the very real possibility of even higher electric bills just around the corner, consumers everywhere are eager to find ways to save on their monthly electric bills. While many people are becoming more diligent about turning off lights, using less hot water, and keeping the thermonstat at a certain level, technology has come up with an innovative way to optimize the power factor in your home or business. This process, which is called power factor optimization, allows you to increase the effective use of your electricity. This process reduces your power consumption, which in turn lowers your electric bill.
The term power factor means the way in which energy efficiency is measured. More precisely, it refers to the percentage of electricity that is delivered to your home and used efficiently, versus what is being wasted through your inductive load. For example, a home with a power factor of 100% means that all of the electricity being delivered is being used in an efficient manner.
Studies show that most homes in America have an average power factor of 78%, and in some cases, the power factor is even lower. This means that if you have a power factor of 78%, the motors in your home from various appliances (ie, your inductive load) are wasting 22% of your electricity. How does one reduce the amount of power lost through the inductive load and achieve in ideally higher power factor? A power factor optimizer, such as the PS 1200, can be installed. This device will increase the effective use of your electricity and lower your usage of electricity. Also known as a power conditioner, the PS 1200 works by reducing the amount of the power drawn from the utility and capturing the lost electricity in the capacitators. This captured electricity is then sent back into the circuit.
Other benefits of installing a PS 1200 power factor optimizer include whole house surge protection, extended appliance life, reduced energy costs, reduced harmonic feedback, and electrical noise reduction. In addtiion, this device enables you to reduce your carbon footprint and it is environmentally safe.
The actual savings that the consumer experiences by installing a power saver unit is determined by many variable factors. The size of your home, the amount of your inductive load, and the amount that you are currently paying per kilowatt hour are all important factors. Most people see a savings of 10-25% on their actual monthly electric bills after installing the PS 1200. In reality, this unit can pay for itself within 12 months. With an average lifetime of 20 years, and a factory warranty of 5 years, your monetary return on investing in this piece of equipment is excellent. Business owners can also purchase commercial 3-phase power save industrial models (PS 3200 and PS 3400) and often times can write off the cost of the equipment and installation as a legitimate business expense.
The residential power saver unit works on any modern type of circuit panel (it does NOT work with old-fashioned screw-in fuses) and will work on any such single phase residential electric application. The two commercial and industrial models are 3-phase and they size motors up to 75 hp and up to 300 hp. All units, whether commercial or residential, are UL approved and should be installed by a licensed electrician.