When doing repair work on your home, most often than not there will be leftover supplies. You most likely have ten cans of extra paint stored in the garage from over the years and the same can be said after a tile flooring project. At least you’ll eventually use some of that paint for touch ups, but it’s hard to find a reason to keep so many extra tiles around. You do want to keep a good handful in case some break, but if you have a lot leftover, you’re probably scratching your head for ideas.
The best use of extra ceramic or glass tiles is to use them for your kitchen’s backsplash. The backsplash is becoming a new outlet for creativity. More and more people will create a center mosaic to bring more color and fun design into the kitchen. You might need to use a tile cutter so you get clean and even lines. But a hammer and a little bit of aggression will be fine for those wanting uneven lines and shapes in the tile. Besides the kitchen, you can also create a new tile look for the fireplace mantel.
Ceramic tiles don’t just look great inside your home, they work outside too. Large tiles can be used to create a walkway in your front or backyard. If you have slate, natural stone, or marble tiles, they will look beautiful in the garden as stepping stones or to create paths around the area. Another way to use them outdoors is to turn your flowerpots into unique works of art. A little super glue mixed with a lot of imagination equals homemade dcor.
If you’re really into art, or someone in your family is, you have instant art pieces. You can create patterns and frame them or create mosaics for the wall. No one is that creative? Then donate them to people who are. You can give them to your children’s art teachers or drop them off at an arts and craft store. Someone will definitely be interested and will find a way to use them someone. Some Goodwill and Salvation Army stores might take them off your hands too.
Leftover ceramic tiles can also be used in other areas of the home. Cut even 4×4 squares, place felt pads on the bottom and you have yourself a brand new set of coasters. Tiles can be transformed into new coat or towel hooks. Affix a hook to each tile, hang on an angle for a diamond shape, and presto! You now have yourself a new piece of unique dcor for very little cost. With just a little outside of the box thinking, you can find so many ways to utilize all those extra ceramic and glass tiles.